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Cornell Club of Washington

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  • Sixth Annual Washington, D.C. Johnson School Predictions Dinner

Sixth Annual Washington, D.C. Johnson School Predictions Dinner

  • 02/05/2015
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Sofitel 806 15th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005
Sixth Annual Washington, D.C. Predictions Dinner
Director of the Health Information Technology Directorate for the Defense Health Agency and Chief Information Officer for the Military Health System
"The Defense Health Agency: Blending Cost Efficiencies and Technology"

David Bowen will share highlights of the Department of Defense's landmark improvement and modernization of military health care through innovations in technology and reform of the $53B military health care system.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reception: 6:00 p.m. | Dinner: 7:00 p.m.


Alumni and guests: $70/person |

Early bird: $60/person if you register by 12/18

Students and guests: $40/person


Fees include reception and three-course meal


This event is co-sponsored by the Cornell Law School Association.


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What is a Johnson Predictions Dinner?  

First launched by the Johnson Club of the Bay Area 19 years ago, the Predictions Dinners have become a tradition among the Johnson alumni clubs of Southern California, the Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, the Finger Lakes, the United Kingdom, Seattle, and Washington, D.C.  This year, we are proud to add New York City to the lineup. We hope to see you at the Johnson Predictions Dinner in your region!

Prediction Dinners begin with a cocktail reception, which offers a great opportunity for alumni to network with students, faculty, and staff. The reception is followed by a formal, sit-down dinner and address by a keynote speaker. At these dinners, club members also distribute predictions questions for the new year and announce the winner of the award for the most accurate predictions from the previous year. It is a fun evening that is open to the entire Cornell community.

For more information 

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